Our Mascot Remember to spell it without the E between the G and M!

A Barbershop Quartet

The Barbershop Harmony Society
A Registered Quartet of the Society for the Preservation and Encouragement of Barber Shop Quartet Singing in America, Inc.

Let Us Entertain You!    Call Pete Wanger at (650) 697-7997 or E-Mail

Performance Guidelines
Photo Gallery
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Wow! Are They Handsome!
Pete Wanger, Tom Addison, Owen Doyle, Dean Stocker

Quartet Members

Tom Addison - Lead, Tenor
Pete Wanger - Baritone
David Hochron - Lead
Dean Stocker - Tenor
Owen Doyle - Bass, Coach
Corky LaVallee - Bass
Peter Mills -Lead

Past Members

Rick Cram - Bass
Bill Woods - Lead, Baritone
Pat Goulding - Lead, Tenor
Bruce Robertson - Bass
Gerald Chu - Tenor
Dave Stone - Baritone
Roy Yost - Lead
Tony Pistilli - Tenor
Gary Scalice - Bass
Jim Daly - Tenor
Jim DeChaine - Bass

The Most Confused Barbershop Quartet in the San Francisco Bay Area

Formed in July 2000, Sound Judgment is a double quartet composed of singers from The Fault Line A Cappella Chorus of the San Mateo County, California, Chapter of the Far Western District of the The Barbershop Harmony Society. Based in Burlingame, we entertain throughout the San Francisco Bay Area.

We Love to Entertain!    Call Pete Wanger at (650) 697-7997 or E-Mail

This page created by Peter Wanger. All comments and corrections to Webmaster@SoundJudgment.org   Updated: 23-June-2015